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전문자료 검색결과 (2,958건) NAVER OpenAPI

X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy, Spectroscopy, Photoluminescence, Photodegradation, Photochemistry, Photocatalysis, Materials scien
Phosphotungstic acid, Mesoporous material, Lewis acids and bases, Inorganic chemistry, Heterogeneous catalysis, Cyclopentene, Chemis
Construction of Z-scheme Ag3PO4/Bi2WO6 composite with excellent visible-light photodegradation activity for removal of organic contamin
Photocatalytic aerobic oxidation of toluene and its derivatives to aldehydes on Pd/Bi 2 WO 6 "甲苯及其衍生物的选择性氧化
Changes in wooden coffin tombs in Baekje Hanseong period - Centering around Osan Sucheong-dong remains - 목차 중서부지역 백제
A Study on the Plans for Promoting Tourism Using Historic and Cultural Landscape - Focused on the Historic and Cultural Landscape at Os
Solution chemistry and utilization of alkyl hydroxamic acid in flotation of fine cassiterite 采用烷基羟肟酸作为捕收剂对细
The Consciousness of Neo-Confucian Orthodoxy in the establishment of Seowon in 16th-century Seonsan: Focusing on Geumoseowon and Osanse
Oxidative desulfurization of dibenzothiophene catalyzed by peroxotungstate on functionalized MCM-41 materials using hydrogen peroxide a